Every founder has a superpower. What’s yours?

Take the quiz to uncover your superpower and learn how it may unintentionally prevent your start-up from achieving ultimate success.

When you start your company, only your superpower is at play. This is a good thing. That confidence in who you are as a founder is what makes you incredibly successful at starting.

You eventually will need a diverse team with different skill sets to take the company to the next level. But people’s previous job titles do not always align with the superpowers they wield. Whether you know it or not, you will be drawn to people with similar superpowers to yours, regardless of their job title.

Reasons to understand your superpower:

  1. Leverage your strengths: Understand what makes you great at starting a company
  2. Create winning teams: Grow a diverse team with all possible superpowers at play
  3. Manage the business: Leverage people’s strengths to meet your objectives
  4. Be successful long term: Maximize your revenue & overall profit

Take the superpower quiz